Tuesday, August 21, 2012

where we generally hurry in decision making…

i’ve noticed where we generally hurry in decision making it is in the micro decisions of life.  there’s this whole category of micro decisions that seem very small, very inconsequential.  but if we allow them to accumulate we will find that soon they become huge issues when we’re not careful. 

you take a tiny step to have lunch with a colleague of the opposite sex.  you give no thought to it.  it was just spur of the moment.  but that lunch becomes two and two lunches become three and then there’s secretive meetings.  and you decide not to tell your spouses about that.  then you’re headed down a very dangerous and damaging road.  you made the first decision spur of the moment, in a hurry.

or you make a micro decision to fudge on the office expense report for a business trip.  you get reimbursed.  the extra money comes in handy.  you did it first on a whim.  the second time you dug a little deeper and you did it again and again and again.

you’re in a hurry, maybe running through a store so you don’t discipline your child and the next time her behavior is worse. 

or you easily lose your temper and it brings embarrassment to you and if you’re a CHRISTian it brings embarrassment to the cause of CHRIST.

those episodes are played out dozens of times every day.  we find ourselves confronted with the decision to behave appropriately or inappropriately and it usually happens in a moment, without thought.  but if we had just taken a moment, taken a breath, whispered a prayer and thought about it just a moment maybe we would have made a better decision.

just a thought from the front porch…


Decision Making Process said...

The positive comments and do well wishes are very motivational and greatly appreciated.

Make a decision

Unknown said...

The most important portion of life where we should be very careful in decision making is the time when we will go for spending money in certain cases. It has been told by some elderly persons that money is sweeter than honey. So taking the right decision in the right time makes a proper sense in all the case whether it may be in an organization or in in home.

Always opt for something extra and advanced when the time comes for managing the expense reports.