i can
count on GOD to reward my generosity.
luke 6.38
(niv), give and it will be given to
you. for with the same measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
that is
not positive thinking, prosperity doctrine, some fund raising technique. JESUS said this, not some tv evangelist. JESUS said, give and it will be given to you.
and JESUS does not lie.
i can be confident that when i’m generous, GOD rewards my generosity. folks, there are more promises in the bible related
to giving than any other topic. if you
are not tithing ten percent of your income you are only hurting yourself. you’re not hurting GOD. you see, GOD doesn't need your money. you are only hurting yourself.
bible says in proverbs 3:9-10 (msg), honor
GOD with everything you own; give HIM the first and the best. right off the
top i give some back to HIM, in gratitude for what HE’s done, in faithfulness,
in thanksgiving, in faith to the future.
it says, HE will bless your life.
cannot out give GOD. the more generous
person you become – there's only two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. misers are miserable people. the generous giving person is the happiest
person in the world.
you give your life away, your time away, your energy away, your money away,
when you’re generous and giving to others, GOD says, “I’m not going to let me
be in debt to you.” the bible says in
proverbs that he who gives to the poor is
like lending to the LORD and he repays. proverbs 22 says, the generous
man will himself be blessed. i can be faithful, counting on GOD to reward
my generosity. as we have been faithful
to GOD HE has been faithful to us and blessed us abundantly.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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