look at
this verse, ephesians 6.4 (lb) says to parents, don’t keep on scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and
resentful. rather, bring them up with loving discipline.
the phrase, “loving discipline.” you’ve
got to have discipline. discipline is an
act of love. it’s saying, “you matter too much to me to let you get away with
this. i care about you. i’m not going to let you ruin your life. i’m not going to let you blow it. you’re important – very important – to
me. so i have to set some boundaries.”

who have no discipline are not loved.
bible says we should always discipline out of love and not out of anger. how many of us have been failures at
that? all of us! i’m amazed sometimes at the things i said to
my own children, the people that i love the most. how could i say that? i love these kids. yet when you get ticked off, you discipline
in anger, rather than in love.
you discipline in anger (boss, somebody at work, or teacher, some student who
has got out of line in class) you may get the appropriate behavior at that
point in the short term, but you are sowing seeds of rebellion that will reap a
harvest of failure later on.
in love, correct without condemning. put
yourself in their shoes.
a good
book that’s been out for a while – not a CHRISTian book – is the one minute
manager. it
about one minute praisings and one minute reprimands, how to correct without
condemning. check it out.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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