another way to
raise someone’s confidence is to affirm
their value.
attention. you raise confidence by just the way you look
at them. you can look at people and
raise their value – just by the way you look at them. JESUS did.
study how JESUS looked at people.
corinthians 13.4 (ph) love looks for ways
of being constructive. do you do that?
bible says in 1 thessalonians 5.11 (niv), encourage
one another and build each other up.
dobson did a study of 10,000 women. they
found that the number one cause of depression is low self-esteem. people are starving for affirmation. they want to know that they matter, they
count. if you want to bring out the best
in people, affirm their value. how? attention,
affection and appreciation.

you can
affirm people just by attention. look in
their eyes. when you look in a person’s
eyes, you’re giving them a gift. you’re
saying, “i value you.”
then affection. if you love somebody, show it.
bible says in proverbs 27.5, open rebuke is better than hidden love. in
other words, if you’re not showing your love you might as well be rebuking
them. you say you love your kids. do you
show it?
affection to your kids. tickle them,
hug them, scruff their head, play with them, touch them. they need to not only hear that they are
loved, they want them to feel it, to feel it on their skin. give them attention and affection.
then appreciation. we used to know the meaning of appreciation
if you owned a home. appreciation means to raise in value. just like depreciation means to lower in
value. if you own a car you know the meaning of depreciation.
time you appreciate the people in your family, the people at your work, your
friends, every time you appreciate somebody, you raise their value.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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