Friday, July 5, 2013

you have been chosen…

you know as a kid you loved to be chosen.  it’s good to be chosen for an award, to be chosen for recognition.  it’s fun to be chosen for a promotion.  it’s fun to be chosen and singled out.  you remember when you’d go out at p.e. or recess and they’d have two captains choosing teams and they’re choosing the people.  if you got chosen first you felt really good.  and you were praying, “oh, GOD, please don’t let me be chosen last.”  because everybody knows the last person chosen is the dufus.  and you didn’t want to be the dufus.  you were just going, “don’t let me be chosen last!” because it hurts to be rejected.  we all want to be chosen.  we all want to be selected.  because it gives you a lot of confidence.  being chosen does a lot for your self-esteem. 
you know why i have great self-esteem, a lot of confidence?  i was chosen by margaret williams.  i feel good about me because my wife chose me.  it feels good to be chosen. 

look who’s chosen you.  1 peter 2.9 (tlb), you have been chosen by GOD himself.  there is no higher authority than that one, folks!  GOD chose you to be HIS child, to love you and to live with HIM for eternity.  not everybody’s going to get to do that.  you’ve been chosen.  you’ve accepted CHRIST into your heart.  you’ve accepted the grace of GOD.  you have been chosen to spend eternity with GOD and that’s better than anything else in the universe.  you talk about something to build your self-esteem!

just a thought from the front porch…


Unknown said...

Going through a bad phase... this post really helped. Thanks.

Bill Williams said...

thanks so much, esabella for sharing.