Ok, so
you will have difficulties. They go with living so how do you handle them?
What do you do when you face those difficulties in
1. I cause a lot of difficulty in my life. Most of your problems you bring on
yourself. I’m the first and greatest
first of all, DETERMINE THE REASON – “What caused this?”
are only four different causes for difficulty in your life.

2. Other people
3. The devil
4. GOD can be a cause of difficulty in your
life. HE allows problems to come into
our lives to get our attention, test us, and mold us, many different reasons.
When I’m
going through a tough time, how do I know who the source is? You must pray about it, talk to GOD.
73.16-17 (TEV), “I tried to think this problem through but it was too
difficult for me until I went into your Temple.”
you worship, GOD uses getting together with other believers to help you clarify
things that are going on in your life.
why I hate to miss church. Even when
Margaret and I go on vacation, we go to church and GOD always speaks to
I don’t go to church out of guilt, habit, because somebody forces me to,
because of a ritual. I go to find out if
GOD has anything to say to me. Almost
every one of the major decisions in my life, many of the major turning points,
happened when I was in a church service.
Before I went that day I had no idea what was going to happen. But because I went, I heard something from
the Bible and it made a change in me, a major decision.
I don’t
know when those are going to happen so I go to church whenever I can. What if GOD had that speaker or that message
just for me, what if I didn’t show up?
So, on the possibility that HE might want to speak to me any particular
week, I show up.
Just a
thought from the front porch…
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