5.3-4 (TLB), “We can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we
know ... they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of
character in us and helps us trust GOD more each time...”
What is
the result of problems and trials? GOD
wants you to learn something. That’s the
whole purpose for the problems and difficulties you're facing. Every storm is a school. Every trial is a teacher. GOD wants to teach you through your
troubles. Every experience is an
education. Every difficulty is for your
development. GOD says, “I want you to
learn something from this difficulty” – that’s the purpose, the result.

Most of
us are slow learners. Most of us have
had to learn something more than once. If
you don't learn something GOD will bring it again in your life. It will come back. GOD is more interested in your character than
HE is in your comfort. GOD is more
interested in making you change to be more like CHRIST than HE is in making
things easy for you. You never graduate
from the school of hard knocks. GOD
allows difficulties.
Does GOD
have a word for you while you’re going through your difficulty? Absolutely.
GOD brought you here to the Front Porch today so HE could say this to
you, “Don't give up. Grow up.” That’s what GOD wants to do through that
difficulty. HE doesn’t want you to give
up, HE wants you to grow up. HE wants
you to mature, develop, become more and more like the person HE wants you to
Just a
thought from the front porch…
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