now while it may not be GOD's will to heal every sickness james does outline a practical three-step process to give comfort – and should GOD choose, quite possibly healing – to those who are sick. james 5.14-15 (ms), are you sick? call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the MASTER. believing-prayer will heal you, and JESUS will put you on your feet.
step 1. call the church leaders together. if you are bedridden, you have a life-threatening illness then you are to ask the leaders of your church to come to your home. this shows the value of being a part of a local group of believers who will be there to care for us. now the suffering may not be relieved or end quickly, but no one should suffer alone.
step 2. to pray and anoint you with oil. now it is important to note that neither the praying nor the anointing is to be overlooked. so it is important to know what it means to anoint you with oil.
now it seems that the greek term that james used here for anoint has to do with the pragmatic, therapeutic use of oil such as rubbing or massaging with it for medical attention. various herbs and extracts were added to olive oil in ancient times. in the first century, this was the best medicine available. in other words to anoint with oil meant to give medical attention. in today's terms, the leaders are to make sure the sick person is getting the best available medical help.
and james point here is simple and obvious, don't substitute prayer for medical assistance. following your doctor's advice, using medication wisely and applying medical procedures appropriately does not suggest that a person lacks faith in GOD. HE gave medical knowledge to humankind as an act of grace. and while GOD calls these men and women to be the means of HIS healing, GOD alone is the healer.
step 3. to the name of the MASTER. submit the illness to GOD's will in prayer. it must include prayer. believing-prayer will heal you, and JESUS will put you on your feet.
express your sincere desire for the complete restoration of the one who is sick. pray that they will experienced less pain and will avoid the weakening effects of fear. pray that the illness will yield unexpected benefits, but submit your requests to the sovereign care of GOD in complete confidence that HE is impeccably good and unfailingly right. as JESUS HIMself prayed in the garden of gethsemane, not my will but YOURs be done.
just some thoughts from the front porch...
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