i believe that GOD heals today. i have seen it in my family, i've seen it in other people but i don't believe it is GOD's will that everyone be healed. now divine healing must be understood in the context of GOD's nature. HE is all-powerful so HE has the ability to heal any illness. and HE is sovereign, which means that HE will act in the best interest of each person according to HIS unfailing goodness, even if it doesn't seem very good to us at the moment.
in the day in which we live faith healing is a big business so let's look at some principles that will help keep us focused on the true source of healing as we ignore the false peddlers who promote a false hope.
1...GOD's will is paramount. now GOD's will is sometimes hard to understand from our human perspective and it is difficult to accept when it involves great suffering. but even when we pray we must remember that GOD is right in all HIS ways including our suffering and HE will bring good out of it. 1peter 5.10 (ms), so keep a firm grip on the faith. the suffering won't last forever. it won't be long before this generous GOD who has great plans for us in CHRIST—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. HE gets the last word; yes, HE does.
2...medical assistance is imperative. prayer was never intended to take the place of competent medical care. medical science is a grace gift from GOD. and HE may choose to use to answer your prayers for healing the hands of an unbelieving physician. luke 10.33-34 (ms), a samaritan traveling the road came on him. when he saw the man's condition, his heart went out to him. he gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds.
3...intercessory prayer is GOD's commandment. now we are to do everything within our power to bring healing, hope, and encouragement to others. we do this under what GOD has provided. and HE invites us to give all of these matter over to HIM because HE cares deeply for those who hurt and we can trust HIM to do what is right. philippians 4.6 (ms), don't fret or worry. instead of worrying, pray. let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting GOD know your concerns.
4...confession of sins is healthy. not all sickness is related to the person who is afflicted, but we cannot rule it out. confession and repentance of sins – even those we consider insignificant – are never inappropriate. they keep our relationship with the LORD free of distracting issues.
james 5.16 (ms), make this your common practice: confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.
5...all healing is of GOD. whenever someones health is restored whether by a medical professional or through direct, supernatural intervention, GOD deserves the credit. we are never mistaken to thank GOD for healing and sustained health. james 1.17 (ms), every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.
just some thoughts from the front porch...
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