Wednesday, September 5, 2012

when they are happiest…

i think paul felt self-respect at the end of his life when he said i finished the fight, i’ve run the race, i’ve fought the good fight, i’ve finished my course.  paul is saying, i have that warm feeling of satisfaction, that i did the best i could.

i think that is the way JESUS felt on the cross.  when HIS final words were, it is finished.  now HE didn’t say, I am finished, HE said, it is finished.  big difference.  because HE wasn’t finished.  HE said, it is finished.  what?  Salvation’s plan.  what?  all that GOD had sent HIM to earth to do.  i think that was a shout of victory.  it’s finished!!!   with my FATHER I’ve done it!!!

I’ve done exactly what GOD my FATHER had wanted me to do and there is that warm sense of accomplishment that comes. 

you see, people are happiest when they are striving for something worthwhile and meaningful in life.  that’s when they are happiest. 

just a thought from the front porch…


melanie jean juneau said...

Your explanation of the words "It is finished" struck a cord within my heart and spirit
I am sitting here with a huge smile on my face and in my heart and spirit.

Bill Williams said...

you are very welcome, melanie. also, keep up the good work on your blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. And hopefully in all of our ambitions we extend a hand to help others too.

Bill Williams said...

so very true. as we use our work as a tool to help others we get self-respect in return.

melanie jean juneau said...

you are generous