Tuesday, September 15, 2009

it's all in the attitude...

a person’s attitude has always been very important to me. the truth is i dealt more with attitudes in my kids than actions because i felt if i took care of their attitudes the actions would fall into place. and that is what JESUS is dealing with here at the beginning of HIS sermon on the mount.

i said in an earlier post that happiness is a choice. you can choose the right attitudes. basically right now, whether you're happy or sad, or somewhere in between, you're about as happy as you choose to be.

you see life is tough. it is and there are a lot of things that don't go right and don't go your way in life. and happiness depends on choosing the right attitudes.

so let’s look at the first attitude in this list of attitudes that JESUS said that we need to choose. matthew 5.3 (ms), you're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. with less of you there is more of GOD and HIS rule.

so what is HE talking about here? well, what HE's talking about is in order for me to be happy i just admit that i don't have it all together. i just realize that i haven't arrived, that i haven't learned it all, that i’m not the sum total of the universe, that i'm not perfect. in other words, the first step to happiness is humility.

now the opposite of humility is arrogance or egotism. and JESUS said if you're full of arrogance and egotism you're never going to be happy. the good news translation of this verse says, happy are those who know they are spiritually poor. they know they don't have it all together, they know that they need GOD. living bible says, humble men are very fortunate.

so the point that JESUS is starting off with is simply, humble and happy go together. humility and happiness go together. they're twins, soul mates. and if you want to have lasting happiness then you need to learn to be humble.

just a thought from the front porch…

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