Friday, June 11, 2010

what matters most to GOD?...

there is a story that JESUS told in luke 12.16-21 (nab). HE says, there was a rich man whose lands produced bountiful harvest. he asked himself, “what should i do for i don’t have enough space to store my goods?” [in other words, GOD is blessing him so much he doesn’t know what to do with all the blessings.] then he says, “here’s what i’ll do. i’ll tear down my barns and i’ll build larger ones. then i’ll say to myself, ‘i have so many good things stored up for me. now rest, eat, drink and be merry.’” but GOD said to him, “you fool. this night your life will be demanded of you and then to whom will all your things belong?” thus will it be for anyone who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to GOD.

notice it says, what matters to GOD. this guy only thought of himself. it didn’t occur to him that maybe GOD was blessing him so he could be a blessing to other people. no, all he thought was “i’ll build a bigger barn. i’ll put some of my stuff in mini storage. i don’t have a place for it myself but i won’t give any of it away. i won’t bless anybody else. i’ll just keep amassing and say, ‘look how much stuff i’ve got.’ ” and GOD says, “you re missing what matters most in life.”

so what does matter most to GOD? the bible tells us in galatians 5.6 (cev), if you are a follower of CHRIST JESUS all that matters is your faith that makes you love others. GOD says what matters in life is not your accomplishments or your achievements or your fame or your wealth. what matters in life is one thing. all that matters is your faith that makes you love other people. HE says if you miss that, you have missed the most important thing in life.

we have been looking for the last while here on the front porch about what GOD is like. and that is a very important question. but there is another question that a lot of us like to ask and that is what is love like? and that also is a good question.

now all of us want to be loved but we really don’t know what it is. so we’re going to look at the most famous chapter in the bible on love, 1 corinthians 13.

speakers, when they want to get your attention and they want you to remember something, they use repetition. in the first few verses of this passage, GOD says the same thing five different ways. HE says, I want you to understand the most important thing in life is love. your relationships – that's what matters most.

so that is where we will start today here on the front porch…

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