Thursday, May 26, 2011

being honest about how you feel…

when you are in an overwhelming situation remind yourself first who GOD is, remind yourself what HE’s done, ask GOD to do it again and once you’ve done that now you’re ready to talk about your problem.  tell GOD exactly how you feel.

i need to confess my inability and my inadequacy and i need to be honest if i’m afraid, if i’m scared.  i say, “this is exactly how i feel.” 

in 2 chronicles 20.12 (nlt), king jehoshaphat says to GOD in his prayer, we are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. 

have you ever felt that way?  have you ever felt powerless, like there was a problem in your marriage, your career, or somewhere in your life that you thought was overwhelming?  there’s no way to succeed in this.  you start the beginning of the week thinking maybe you can handle it but about wednesday you’re out of power.  and by friday you’re thinking, “i don’t know if i can face another week of this.” 

maybe you've felt like this poem:
            the world had a hopeful beginning
            but man spoiled it all by sinning
            we trust that the story
            will end in GOD’s glory
            but right now the other side’s winning.

have you ever felt like that?  you pick up the newspaper and it looks like the bad guys are winning. so you say, “GOD, we’re powerless and we don’t know what to do.”  so you tell GOD exactly how you feel. 

it’s interesting when you compare verse 12 where he says, we’re powerless, to verse 6 where he says, YOU have all the power in the world.  it doesn’t matter if i’m powerless if GOD has power.  if i put my trust in HIM, HE’ll take care of me.  you don’t have to have power.  and you don’t have to pretend that you do.  all you have to do is trust in GOD who’s got all the power that you need.  trust HIM.

just a thought from the front porch…

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