Friday, May 27, 2011

your focus and GOD’s response…

the third part of 2 chronicles 20.12 (niv) says this, we were powerless against this mighty army that’s about to attack us and we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

in your impossible situation that you are facing you need to trust GOD to help you. you need to not focus on your problems but focus on GOD.

this is the biggest mistake that people make when they’re overwhelmed. when we’re overwhelmed all we tend to see is the problem. we don’t look to GOD. we don’t put our eyes on GOD. we put our eyes on the problem.

most people, when you say, “how are you doing?” they’ll say, “i’m doing ok, under the circumstances.” under the circumstances? what are you doing under the circumstances? who put you there? why don’t you get on top of the circumstances? circumstances are like a mattress on your bed. you get on top of them and you’ll rest easy. you get underneath them and you’re going to suffocate. what are you doing under the circumstances? you put yourself there. it’s what you focus on.

here is a great quote of corrie ten boom’s: “if you look at the world, you will be distressed. if you look within, you will be depressed. but if you look at CHRIST, you will be at rest.” it all depends on what you have your eyes on.

what are you focusing on right now? if you’re discouraged, it’s not GOD. you can’t be discouraged and focus on GOD at the same time. you know who HE is and you know what HE’s done and HE can help you again.

when you do these things, notice GOD’s response in 2 chronicles 20.15 (niv), this is what the LORD says to you: do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. for the battle is not yours but GOD’s!

the battle is not yours but GOD’s. GOD says “relax and trust ME to help you.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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