Monday, May 30, 2011

it’s GOD’s problem…

now this is a very unusual battle.  2 chronicles 20.17 (ncv).  he says, you’re not going to need to fight in this battle.  [what kind of battle is that?]  stand strong in your places and you will see the LORD save you. 

this verse, 2 chronicles 20:17, is the middle verse of the old testament for you trivia buffs.  but what’s important is the truth of it.  and the truth is this: it’s GOD’s problem; let HIM solve it.  you don’t have to fight.  relax.  trust HIM to work it out. 

so many of you are walking around with this atlas complex like you’ve got the whole world on your shoulders.  i want to invite you to resign as general manager of the universe.  GOD is GOD and you’re not.  you need to relax in faith. 

twice in this story, v. 15 & 17, GOD says, don’t be afraid or discouraged.  why?  because when we face overwhelming odds and responsibilities, we are afraid and we are discouraged.  but GOD says don’t do it. 

number one, it’s GOD’s battle.  and two, more importantly, GOD has never lost a battle.  never!  GOD has never lost a battle in the history of GOD. 

you don’t have to worry.  the outcome is inevitable.  the victory is assured.  the last chapter has already been written.  if i know going into the battle, that GOD’s going to fight it, that it’s HIS battle, i know HE’s not going to lose it, i know i’m already a winner.  so i can relax.

what does GOD want you to do if HE doesn’t want you to fight in the battle?  what are you supposed to do when you’re facing an overwhelming situation? 

two words:  stand strong.  what does it mean to stand strong

it is a mental attitude.  it’s an attitude of quiet confidence.  i’m not going to get ahead of GOD but i’m not backing up either.  i’m going to stay put and watch GOD work.  i am going to stand strong.  i’m not going to turn tail and run. 

one of the most important truths you have to learn in life is it is never GOD’s will for you to run from a difficult situation.  never.  if you do, HE’s going to bring it up again.  HE wants you to learn that HE is sufficient in every situation and if you don't learn it here, HE’ll just provide the opportunity again.

just a thought from the front porch…

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