Tuesday, May 31, 2011

running away from reality and responsibility…

one of the most important truths you have to learn in life is it is never GOD’s will for you to run from a difficult situation.  never.  if you do, HE’s going to bring it up again.  HE wants you to learn that HE is sufficient in every situation and if you don't learn it here, HE’ll just provide the opportunity again.

in today’s society, there are plenty of ways to run.  what is your favorite escape?  choose your pleasure.  choose your vice.  there are lots of ways to escape from reality and responsibility today.  GOD says they are all out of HIS will if you’re using them to run.  “i want you to stand strong in quiet confidence and watch me do a miracle.” 

what do i stand firm on?  he tells us in 2 chronicles 20.20 (niv), have faith in the LORD your GOD and you will be upheld.  have faith in HIS prophets and you will be successful. 

do you want to be successful?  you stand on two things: the character of GOD and the word of GOD.  have faith in the word – that’s the character of GOD.  we know who HE is.  we know what HE’s done.  and have faith in what HIS prophets have said – that’s the word of GOD, the 7000 promises.  you stand on those two things.  no problem, no conflict, and no loss.  

so when you’re facing an overwhelming battle and the odds are against you, you turn to GOD first.  you talk to GOD about the situation.  tell GOD how you feel.  you trust GOD to help you and you thank GOD in advance.

notice 2 chronicles 20.21 (nlt), the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army singing to the LORD and praising HIM.  this is what they sang  “give thanks to the LORD for HIS faithful love endures forever.” 
picture this: on one mountain are the three enemy armies amassed to do battle against israel.  three nations of armies.  then there’s the valley where they’re going to do battle.  then there are the lowly israelites.  jehoshaphat says, “we’re going to take you who sing and make a choir out of you and put you in front of the army as you march into battle.”  they’re out there singing “thanks to GOD!  praise GOD!”  the enemy is going, “what is going on?”  the israel army is certainly going, “yeah, what is going on?”  and the choir is saying, “we would like to know what’s going on!” 

there’s a very important truth here.  there’s a symbolism in this.  they were thanking GOD in advance for the victory.  before it even happened, they were thanking GOD in advance.  praise, thanksgiving, is verbalized faith.  if you thank GOD after the fact, that’s gratitude.  if you thank GOD before it happens, that’s faith.  they said, “give thanks.  we thank GOD for the victory

just a thought from the front porch…

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