Wednesday, May 11, 2011

they were important to JESUS…

there was no one better at balance than JESUS CHRIST.  JESUS knew how to balance HIS life.  HE knew how to not let people press HIM into their mold. 

one time JESUS was having busy day.  you may think JESUS wasn’t very busy.  HE lived 2000 years ago.  how busy could you be back then?  HE had three years to change eternity.  HE had a pretty big job to do in a short time.  JESUS had thousands of people crowding around HIM every day to be healed, to talk to HIM or listen to HIM teach.  when HE wanted to get away from the crowds HE had to get into a boat and go out in the middle of the sea.  that’s how busy HE was.  HE’s busier than any of us could ever imagine. 

in the middle of one of those busy days some moms brought some children to see JESUS.  JESUS’ disciples were standing there.  they were feeling pretty important so they said, “JESUS doesn’t have time to see children.  HE’s got people to heal.  HE’s got sermons to preach.  this is not in our schedule for the day.”  JESUS overheard this and HE was angry.  HE said, don’t keep those children from coming to ME.  

it wasn’t important to the world, to HIS disciples, for HIM to see those children but it was important to JESUS.  HE didn’t let other people tell HIM what was important.  JESUS had the ability to understand that timing was more important than time.  and being at the right place at the right time to meet the need was really what was the most important thing in life.  JESUS often stopped and dealt with an immediate need.  but nothing could deter HIM from HIS ultimate goal.  HE had that balance about life.  HE’s the one to learn to have this balance of life from.

just a thought from the front porch…


Unknown said...

Bill, I am glad to have found you through blogcatalog. I enjoyed this recent entry very much. I look forward to seeing what else comes from your front porch. God bless you.

Bill Williams said...

thank you for dropping by!!!