Wednesday, January 9, 2013

they need to be smart goals…

this is from ken blanchard.  whenever you set goals, they need to be smart goals.

s - specific.  specific goals are goals that you can accomplish.  vague goals have no power.  nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific.  whenever you set goals don’t say, “i want to be ‘more’ this or have ‘less’ of this.”  more and less – what does that mean?  be specific.  less – 15 pounds or whatever.  don’t just say, “i want to be like JESUS.”  how are you going to measure that? 

also, it has to be specifically related to you.  be personal.  don’t set goals for other people.  like, “i'm going to help my husband lose 25 pounds.”  you cannot set a goal that you cannot control.  so you don’t set goals for other people.  “my goal is to get my kids in line.”  no, your goal is to be a parent that knows how to relate to your kids.  make it specific.

m - motivational.  a goal must be motivational for it to be effective.  if it doesn’t motivate you, don’t set it because you’re not even going to try.  you’re not motivated by the goal.  it must be a motivational goal.

a - attainable.  if you can’t attain this goal, if you can’t reach it, you’re just going to get discouraged.  don’t say, “my goal is to pray for three hours a day.”  you’ll just get discouraged and give up. 

r - relevant.  goals must be relevant.  that means they’re based on your values and priorities.  don't ever set a goal that you think somebody else thinks you ought to set.  like, “i think GOD wants me to set this goal.”  or, “i think i ought to set this goal because of somebody else.”  no, you ought to say, “what are the values that i really believe are important?”  and they ought to be based on what you really believe are important, not on what you think somebody else thinks is important.

t - trackable.  that means can i measure my progress?  how do i know if i’ve reached my goal?

using this, i encourage you to set a smart goal for each of the areas we looked at yesterday here on the front porch. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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