Saturday, September 22, 2012

resolve to stick with it…

winners resolve to stick with it.  they keep on.  resolve means a conscious act of the will.  it is a choice.  i am choosing.  i will not give up.  regardless of economic conditions, regardless of problems at work, regardless, i will not give up.  it’s an act. 

proverbs 24.16 (niv), for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. 

do you know what is great about that verse, it says that even good guys fall.  even righteous people stumble.  they make dumb decisions.  they make mistakes.  they lose money.  even righteous men fall.

but it says the difference is, they get up again.  they keep on going. 

to quote that famous theologian, scarlet o’hara, tomorrow is another day.  ok?

you keep on going.  you don’t give up.  that’s the mark of a winner.

now the fact is, if you are discouraged right now (let me be real blunt) if you are discouraged, you are choosing to be discouraged.  it’s your choice.  you don’t have to be discouraged.  it is what you are choosing to look at.  is your cup half full or half empty? 

you have a choice and you can choose to think on GOD’s word, you can choose to think on the promises of GOD, you can choose to think on what HE thinks about you, rather than looking at your circumstances.  and that is a choice. 

how many of you have heard of ray krock.  ray krock was the founder of mcdonalds.  do you know how old ray krock was when he started mcdonalds?  52, 52. 

now do you know what that says?  that says that it is never too late to try again. 

it has been said that mcdonalds has made more millionaires than any other corporation.  it changed the way we eat. 

one guy at 52 decided to make his life count.  and go for it.

so evaluate yourself on persistence.  how strong is my will to persist?  rate yourself, one to ten.  one i give up when problems come along.  five i give up when i’m criticized.  ten, i never, never, never give up.

just a thought from the front porch… 

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