Deep inside all of us we have a deep desire to feel
worthwhile. We all want to feel
significant. We all want to feel that we
matter. We all want to feel that if we
were to die, somebody would miss us, that we're not just taking up space and
that our life has meaning and significance.
We all want to feel worthwhile.
A few years back in an article in a magazine there
was an interview with Madonna. She said
this: "I have an iron will and all
of my will has always been devoted to conquering some horrible feeling of
inadequacy. I'm always struggling with
that fear. I push past one spell of it
and discover myself as a special human being and then I get to another stage
and I think I'm mediocre and uninteresting.
I find a way to get myself out of that again and again. My drive in life is from this horrible fear
of being inadequate and mediocre. It is
always pushing me and pushing me.
Because even though I've become somebody I still have to prove that I am
SOMEBODY. My struggle has never ended
and it probably never will." If the
truth were known a lot of you feel that way.
In fact, you spend much of your life being motivated
to do things that you hope will answer the question, "Do I
matter?" So I go out for a sport,
or try to get A's, or try to get the promotion, I just want to know "Do I
matter?" People will do all kinds
of crazy things – bungy jumping or whatever – to find out, does my life

Formula for frustration: Try to please everybody. Madonna is setting herself up for more
frustration because she's on a treadmill and she has to become more and more
outrageous to keep the attention and admiration of her fans. What's going to happen when inevitably her
popularity fades? What's going to happen
to her?
The truth is, no matter how much money you make in
life and no matter how much success you achieve and no matter how much pleasure
you experience and no matter how many relationships you have and no matter how
many people you go to bed with and no matter how popular or famous you become,
how many magazines you get your picture on the cover of, none of it is going to
matter until you've established a relationship with GOD through JESUS CHRIST and
begin to discover how much you matter to HIM and base your self worth on
that. Nothing else is going to
satisfy. As soon as you get one thing,
you've got to get to the next level. If
that weren't true you'd have been satisfied with your first "A" if
you got one.
Just a thought from the front porch…
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