No matter what
you've done the good news is that you, too, can have
a fresh start. Only JESUS CHRIST can
make changes in a person regardless of what you've done, or who you are or what's
out of control in your life.
We have been looking at self control being under GOD's control. The world's idea of self control is this –
self in control. I call the shots, I'm
my own boss, I do my own thing, I'm Mr. Big, I do what I want to do. That is a guarantee for failure. Real self-control, as GOD says, is not self
in control but self under control.
Under the control of GOD you find the self control of your mouth, and
ever other area that you didn't think possible.

James 1:26 (LB), "Anyone who
says he is a CHRISTian but doesn't control his sharp tongue is just fooling
himself, and his religion isn't worth much." One of the things that bothers me in my own
life is, how is it possible that I can often say the most hurtful things to the
people that I love the most? My wife, my
kids. In a moment of fatigue or anger I
can say something that is very unkind to the very people I love the most. That bothers me. I grieve over that.
Sid Lowe Baxter says that "The proof that you have GOD's SPIRIT in
your life is not that you speak in an unknown tongue but that you know how to
control the tongue you do know about."
The only way you can control your tongue is by letting JESUS CHRIST control
your heart in greater and greater degrees on a daily basis. That's how you start over.
Just a thought from the front porch…
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