Wednesday, November 12, 2008

even when we're at our worst...

i am reading in luke and i came upon this morning verse 35 in chapter 6. here's what it says in the message, "live out this GOD-created identity the way our FATHER lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we're at our worst. Our FATHER is kind; you be kind."

even when we are at our worst, GOD is generous and gracious and kind. somehow it comes to me that we really don't know what GOD expects from us. i mean, we condemn people when they're at their worst, we turn our back on them, we don't want to be around them because they may contaminate us.

how do we react when our kids have blown it, or our spouse when they act like jerks, or the people at work/school or even at church? we are not gracious, generous or kind we get mad, i mean really mad.

and ourselves, when we have really blown it we know that GOD must not love us anymore. no, HE is gracious and generous and kind to us. but we live in this condemnation thing, this perfection thing when all GOD wants from us is to accept that which HE so generously and graciously gives to us, love, acceptance and forgiveness.

and that may be why we don't give out love, acceptance and forgiveness to others because we haven't accepted that which GOD has so generously and graciously given to us, love acceptance and forgiveness.

thanks GOD, i needed that today. please help me to live out this GOD-created identity that you want me to be. i need to accept that which you in your kindness have so generously and graciously given to me, even when i am at my worst so i can give it out.

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