Wednesday, November 26, 2008


what a great word...thanks. it makes the person saying it and the person receiving it feel good. it really does. it is a word that puts the focus on an act that the other person did. thanks for what you did for me, i really appreciated that.

it is also a word that will encourage the other person to do something good again. that would really be a good thing, wouldn't it? the truth is most of our communication is over what someone doesn't do or about something that was bad that they did do and no one comes out a winner in that focus.

what about GOD? HE is the only one that keeps doing good stuff even when we don't say thanks. thanks to HIM is not for HIM but for us. it gets our focus on the good stuff and off the bad. and that really helps us in the way we view our life. it shows us that someone really cares.

personally, i just wanted to say thanks to you for just stopping here on my front porch and listening to me and my thoughts. thanks for taking the time. thanks, i really mean it, thanks.


D&K Soles said...

Pastor Bill, we really like your "thanks" message. I want to say thanks to you and Margaret for everything. Thanks to my family at Harvest. And Dean & I want to give a special thanks. We love you. Karen & Dean

RickHusk said...

The Huskins family would like to say Thanks to you and your family. Please remember our troops during this time and pray for their safety while they serve in far off regions of the world. Pray for their families and give them strength to continue to support their loved ones. We want to give Thanks to Pastor Bill and Family and to God for the Bounty he provides us, and the Great Country he allows us to live in. With Love, The Huskins Family

Kristin said...

Thank you to Harvest for all your friendship, support and prayers over the years. We will miss you all! **the Takamori's