Saturday, February 28, 2009


expectancy. what are you expecting GOD to do in your life? matthew 9.29 (niv), according to your faith it will be done to you.

there is a law that GOD has established that is called the law of expectation. and the fact is we tend to get what we expect out of life. we tend to see things we expect to see. we tend to hear things we expect to hear. we tend to feel the way we expect to feel. we inevitably accomplish what we expect we're going to accomplish.

and GOD says you get to choose, because according to your faith it will be done to you.

now in hebrews 11.6 (ms) it says, it's impossible to please GOD apart from faith.

if you can’t please GOD without faith and you can’t expect GOD to do anything in our life then it is important to learn about how to have more faith. the apostles felt the same way when they said in luke 17.5 (niv), the apostles said, LORD, increase our faith!

so how does he do that? how does he increase or strengthen our faith? he does it by testing it. so what we are going through right now in our world is GOD giving us an opportunity to increase our faith, to stretch our faith, to strengthen our faith, to depend by faith, to live by faith.

now one of the ways HE tests us is through difficulties, trials, problems, pressures, tough circumstances.

1 Peter 1:6-7 (niv), for a little while you have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. these have come so that your faith may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when JESUS CHRIST is revealed.

now GOD doesn’t cause all difficulties in your life but HE does allow them.

1. i cause a lot of difficulty in my life. most of your problems you bring on yourself. i'm the first and greatest cause.
2. other people
3. the devil
and 4. GOD can be a cause of difficulty in your life. HE allows problems to come into our lives and HE uses them for his purpose.

no matter the cause GOD can and will use it for our good.

don’t look at the trial or difficulty in your life as an enemy but as a friend that it is there to strengthen you, to test you, to mold you, to maybe get your attention.

and you get to choose. your attitude toward it makes it either a positive or a negative. it either makes you bitter or better. your faith can be strengthened or deflated depending on your response to it. so expect GOD's best even in life's worst.

well just a thought here on bill’s front porch today…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TRUE TRUE TRUE, it is amazaing in the beginning of the tough times to see the blessings that were intended. It is also exceptionally fullfilling once you have crossed the waters enough to be able to turn around and recognize the before unseen blessing and true meaning.