Thursday, March 5, 2009

but i'm not sure...

james 1:7 & 8 (new century version), such doubters are thinking two different things at the same time, and they cannot decide about anything they do. they should not think they will receive anything from the LORD.

there are phrases that my dad used to say that have stayed with me and there are some phrases that i know i say that i know my family are sick of. one is “indecision weakens character.” and these verses in james reiterates that fact.

sometimes you've got to make a decision. thinking two different things at the same time is devastating, debilitating. the new international version says it this way, a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. in the greek, the word "double minded" literally means "two souled" – pulled in different directions, divided loyalties, divided priorities. james makes up the word, but we've all felt that way – when you're trying to do two things at the same time. you're not really sure what you want. it makes you unstable. he's saying, "if you can't make up your mind it produces an unstable lifestyle. all your ways will be unstable, in constant turmoil.

one way is in your emotions. it is a strain when you can't decide. you worry and strain, you're confused. you can't sleep and can't eat. you wonder, "did i do the right thing?" it creates emotional instability in your life when you can't make up your mind.

this guy goes to a psychiatrist. the psychiatrist says, "are you indecisive?" guy says, "yes and no." "what do you mean by that?" "well, i used to be but now i'm not sure."

williams james said, "the most miserable person in the world is the person who is habitually indecisive." it causes emotions.

do you have that problem? you are not going to get anywhere being indecisive.

back last year when i was striving to make a decision whether i was to retire or not, when to leave or not, i was in a time of great emotional turmoil. back and forth, back and forth until that monday i made the decision through GOD's prompting that the time was now to retire and i never have looked back and i am at peace emotionally. it was the indecision that caused the turmoil.

just some thoughts here on the front porch…

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