Friday, March 6, 2009

i'm not really sure...

james 1:8 (niv), he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

this indecisiveness makes us unstable in our relationships. some of you are having problems in your marriage? do i want in or do i want out? i can't get on with it, i can't get out of it, i can't get with it. what am i going to do? instability in relationships. that is a horrible way to live. make a decision.

when you're a parent and say one thing then you say another thing. we give double messages to our kids. it causes instability. no wonder they're insecure. you can't decide in a relationship. am i going to get out of it or am i going to get on with it?

have you found that it takes more energy deciding than it does to do it? and once you do it, it's a snap, but the key is deciding.

this not make up your mind mentality also makes us unstable spiritually. today’s english version, but when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. if you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the LORD. it blocks your prayers. indecision keeps GOD from giving you and keeps you from receiving what HE wants to give you.

have you ever wondered why doesn't GOD answer your prayers? maybe it’s because you're not specific enough. maybe you've never decided what it is you want and you don't have a clear-cut goal.

indecisiveness can also lead to a double life. a spiritual schizophrenia, dr jekyll/mr. hyde.

in the book pilgrim's progress it talks about a man named mr. face-both-ways. that's when you want to do your will and GOD's will at the same time. when you know what's right but you go the wrong way. when you're trying to live for two people. on sunday you sing onward christian soldiers and on monday you're awol. double-mindedness produces instability in all of your ways. it produces an unstable lifestyle.

just some thoughts here on the front porch…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was enthralled in the never ending world of second guessing and being undecisive, when i married twister. I wanted so bad to be a mom, good wife, prove that i could make it young and on my own. For about two years it was a constant emaotional battle, endless nights wondering, trips to librbary on self help and blended family books. Until i finally awoke and realized that i was fighting a battle against myslef as there was no contenders on the opposing side. Awe, the blessing of self acceptance, determination, and unrealized truth. All the the hands of our LORD!!