Saturday, March 7, 2009

i need help...

now how are we going to take care of this problem of indecision? james 1:5 (ms), if you don't know what you're doing, pray to the father. he loves to help.

but there is a major problem there especially for us men. and that is, we have to admit we need help. we've got to acknowledge that we don’t know what to do. and we would rather not do anything even though it hurts us emotionally and it hurts our relationships with others and with GOD than to admit that i don’t have the answer. you see, i’ve got my pride.

there is no way that i am going to admit that i don’t have the answer. i’m not being indecisive i’m just waiting for the right time. or i like the way it is, we don’t need to do anything else. or don’t you trust me? or my dad or my mom never had to ask for help. or whatever excuse you use when you don’t know what to do and you are afraid to admit it.

now if i don’t have a relationship with someone who i believe has wisdom then i believe that it is all on me. that is one of the reasons why many people go to pieces when their parents die, they now have no one to go to. they can admit they need help to their mom or dad because they are their mom and dad but they can’t admit they need help to anyone else. that is not the way it is done.

somehow we have gotten the idea somewhere that to admit we need help is a disgrace but the opposite is true. proverbs 11:2 (nlt), pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

listen, you can't learn anything if you think you know it all. one of the reasons why we never learn wisdom is we think we have it all together.

james 1: 5 (niv), if any of you lacks wisdom…

he's saying, "admission of the lack of wisdom is the beginning of wisdom, 'i don't have it all together.'"

for some of you it may be hard for you to say to your wife, "i was wrong." when was the last time you said, "i was wrong." that shows how wise you are. the admission is the beginning of wisdom.

folks i'll be honest i have problems with knowing what the questions are, let alone the answers but the key to wisdom is to start by saying, "i don't know, GOD. what do you want me to do?" admit that you don't have all the answers. admit your need.

just some thoughts here on the front porch…

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