Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i am not going to be lame...

responsibility…a great word. i like what will rogers said, "you could summarize american history into two great movements: the passing of the buffalo and the passing of the buck." and we are so good at it.

but look at james 1.13, when tempted, no one should say, "GOD is tempting me." for GOD cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.

we live in a world of irresponsibility. we blame society, we blame the government, we blame the environment, we blame heredity, we blame our parents, we blame the devil, and we even blame GOD.

i hear so many people who have a mistaken idea that when something bad happens, "it must be GOD's will or HE wouldn't have let it happen." i hear that all the time with what is happening in our world today. the reason we pray in the LORD’s prayer THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven is because GOD’s will is not done on earth. that's called blaming GOD.

there was this guy who said, "GOD told me to leave my wife and go marry someone else that i met at church." that's called blaming GOD. don't make your bad choices and then blame them on GOD.

i can’t believe that GOD allowed me to have lung cancer. i have smoked cigarettes since I was in high school but why did GOD give me cancer.

you bought that house that you couldn’t afford. it wasn’t GOD. you wanted it and you said that GOD always wants to give me my wants so it must be HIS will for me to have it because I got such a good deal and now you’re having trouble. you didn’t seek GOD’s wisdom. it wasn’t GOD it was you. you married that guy without asking GOD. but he changed.

GOD does not tempt. HE never contradicts HIS word. GOD is not going to tell you one thing and have the bible say something different. if the bible says something and you say something different, you're wrong. be responsible. don't blame GOD and don't blame other people. it's a sign of immaturity.

the truth is we bring most of our problems onto ourselves. we do and if i'm ever going to break those bad habits i want to get rid of, i have got to be responsible; i must quit passing the buck and making excuses.

listen to blame is lame so don’t be lame. just some thoughts here on the front porch…

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