Monday, March 16, 2009

i can't do it alone...

we all are different. that means that where i am tempted may be different from where you are tempted but the purpose of it is the same. satan wants to bring us down so he can get back at GOD. i don’t know about you but i don’t want to do anything that satan can use against GOD so i want to do whatever i can to repel the temptations of satan. look at james 1:16-18 (niv), HE chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all HE created.

here is the most awesome thing. i don’t have to do it on my own. this is not the old western movie high noon where i have to face my enemy alone but i do have to ask. and having HIM in my life gives me a new capacity at facing the temptations that come into my life.

i’m sorry to tell you this, but you don't have enough power in your own will power. you need supernatural power. you need JESUS CHRIST in your life. that's what it means to be born again. it means you get a fresh start on life. ask CHRIST in. ask HIM to make the changes and give you the power you need to do what you know is right to do anyway.

listen, you will not be able to say no to temptation until you first learn to say yes to GOD. you need HIS power in your life. you need to be reborn. that's the starting point. then you'll have more than just your own power.

what is your most vulnerable area? what is your weak spot? GOD knows it. have you ever figured it out? if you haven't, you need to because once you've figured out where you are weak you will then know when and where you're most likely to fall and you can avoid it.

it is stupid to put yourself in situations that will automatically tempt your weakest area. where are you vulnerable? be realistic about the problem. where do i have a lack of self control?

is it my temper? is it my appetite? that is my weak area. is it my spending? is it my words – i'm continually talking all the time and say things i later regret. is it drinking? is it cocaine? drugs? is it lustful thoughts?

what is the area that satan knows is my hot button and he's always baiting me in that area? figure it out and then admit it to GOD? say, "GOD, you know the areas i've fallen in. i've stumbled. i want a clean slate. i want to start over. get free from my past. get forgiveness." that's available. this is the first step in victory over temptation. ask CHRIST to come into your life and give you the power.

GOD is only a prayer away. just in the quietness of your own heart say, "JESUS, I admit that I can’t do it on my own. i need help. would YOU forgive me of the mess that I have made doing it on my own and would YOU clean it all up and give me a clean slate? would YOU come into my life and give me the power to live the way i was created to live? thank YOU for hearing my prayer and forgiving me of my sins and coming into my life."

if you prayed that prayer, it is the best decision that you have ever made in your life. share that you prayed that prayer with another person. let me know so i can pray with you. i’m so glad that you came up on my front porch today. this could be a life changing day for you.

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