Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i just trust HIM...

here is one of the great verses on temptation…1 corinthians 10:13 (ms), no test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. all you need to remember is that GOD will never let you down; HE'll never let you be pushed past your limit; HE'll always be there to help you come through it.

what a great promise. GOD never puts more on you – HE never allows more on you – than HE puts in you to bear it up.

you say, "i just can't help myself!" wanna bet? "it was too strong a temptation, i just couldn't help myself!" GOD says that is not true. you're just depending on yourself instead of depending on HIM.

GOD says, "I will make a way out if you trust ME." the fact is there is hope and you can change if you want to and if you'll let CHRIST change you from the inside out. there is a way out if you trust in HIM.

you can't pray, "LORD lead us not into temptation" if at the same time, you're flirting with temptation. you've got to co-operate. some of you are flirting with temptation in many different areas. satan is baiting your trap.

what is it that you want in your life that you're willing to compromise in order to get it? a promotion? a thrill? confess it to GOD. the time to deal with temptation is right at the start. when it starts in the desire stage, nip it in the bud.

martin luther said, "we cannot keep the birds from flying over us, but we can keep them from making a nest in our hair." you cannot live in a temptation free world. it's all around you. it's not a sin to be tempted. so don't be intimidated by it. but it’s a sin when you begin to dwell on that temptation and think about it so that it eventually begins to form in your life and heart.

let’s not give in but rely on the ONE who is greater than that you are facing. always remember, GOD will never let you down; HE'll never let you be pushed past your limit; HE'll always be there to help you come through it.

just some thoughts here on the front porch…


Jacquie said...

Hi Bill! As usual thanks for your great post..you help me focus on God first thing in the morning...the way it should be!

Praise God for never letting us down!

Bill Williams said...

thanks jacquie, it sure is good having you back.