Wednesday, March 18, 2009

so what is real? ....

what is real? that is a good question. what is a real CHRISTian? another good one. one of the things about the generation of my kids is that they can see a phony a mile away and that is the reason why so many today don’t want anything to do with CHRISTians. so what is a real CHRISTian is a good question for us to look at.

now james in chapter 2 deals with this. this is the most controversial and misunderstood passage in the book of james. every cult misunderstands it and they try to use this passage to prove you have to work your way to heaven and it's important that you get this so that when those guys come to your door, you'll know what to say to them.

in ephesians 2:8-10 (tev) paul writes, for it is by GOD's grace you have been saved, through faith, for a life of good works that GOD has already prepared for us to do. but then james comes along and says, in verse 17 (niv) faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

what is real? well they had different purposes and different people groups they were addressing.

paul in the first one was fighting the problem of legalism – the problem of "i've got to keep all the jewish laws and regulations to be a CHRISTian." we still have that problem today.

james in the second one is not fighting legalism but laxity, those who say "it doesn't matter what you do as long as you believe." another problem today.

paul is talking about, how to know you're a CHRISTian. james is talking about, how to show you're a CHRISTian. paul is talking about, how to become a believer. james talks about, how to behave like a believer. it is not a contradiction.

again ephesians 2:8-10 (tev), for it is by GOD's grace you have been saved, through faith, for a life of good works that GOD has already prepared for us to do.

there are three prepositions in the passage – "by grace", "through faith", "for good works." if you get those out of order, you're in trouble. if you think you're saved by works, before faith you're in trouble. he's saying we're saved by grace though faith. we're saved just by accepting GOD's gift.

so what does this have to do with real? james 2:14 (ms) says, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? being a real CHRISTian isn’t just knowing, it is doing. and there are a lot of phony CHRISTians out there who don’t do anything.

just some thoughts here on my front porch…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother uncle. Tate