Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i will survive, please...

james 1:5-8 (ms), if you don't know what you're doing, pray to the FATHER. HE loves to help. you'll get HIS help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. people who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. don't think you're going to get anything from the MASTER that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

here we are in the middle of this trouble, this crisis, whatever it is, and we have a positive attitude, we have prayed and now we believe that he is going to take care of the situation. and we just relax.

can you relax on our own? can you sleep in the middle of a crisis on your own? did you know that GOD can help you relax in the middle of a crisis, a problem? HE will give us wisdom to understand and HE will give us faith to endure the crisis in the middle of the crisis but you need to ask. you ask for wisdom to understand and you ask for faith to endure. and HE loves to help. and you'll get HIS help. you can believe that.

james says you need wisdom to know what's going on and faith to hang in there and never, never give up. you're never a failure until you quit.

GOD says the devil wants to use problems to defeat you but GOD wants to use problems to develop you. which will it be? here is this matter of choice again.

some of you are going through some tough times right now. it's pretty hard. GOD cares. HE cares about you very much. GOD sees everything you're going through. HE's got your number! the very hairs of your head are numbered. HE knows exactly where you are. HE hasn't lost your number! HE cares.

now GOD has the power to do something about that problem. HE could change it in a snap. HE's a miracle working GOD. so why doesn't HE? good honest question. because HE has a greater purpose.

and the greater purpose is what HE wants to do in you. you see, GOD is more interested in building your character than in making life comfortable for you and once you've learned those qualities, whatever they are, HE may be free then to remove that situation. but there are some things in life we're never going to be free from on this side of heaven. they are thorns of the flesh. we will deal with them and carry them. nothing comes into your life without the FATHER's permission.

so don't forget, if you don't know what you're doing, pray to the FATHER. HE loves to help. you'll get HIS help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. people who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. don't think you're going to get anything from the MASTER that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

just some thoughts here on the front porch…


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,
Never been much of a worrier, maybe because sometime i don't think things all the way through to the worst possible scenario, but why should i. Then there are really hard times that we go through, every one does. i guess that "knowing that my FATHER is bigger than anything around me" is such an instinct to me that I know HE will work things out. Sometimes it takes a long time to see the end results, then again sometimes its quick BUT...if you are asking for HIS help in the situation you will always be amazed, you will always have the strength (and that's incredible),and the victory will be the LORD's. I know GOD loves me, HE has carried me through a lot of tough times when i didnt even know what to say or how to pray, HE knows my heart and everything about me and HE is my Rock so rather than fuss about problems and things that go wrong i continue to talk to my FATHER, but i would rather go look for rocks or something else that interests me than worry about something that i cant do anything about. (Did i outwind you Bill) :)

Bill Williams said...

you are so right. and you have the right perspective in some very difficult times. i admire you.

Anonymous said...

I think its very, well undescriable for most to understand that most of life is a series of choices. You can choose to let our economic isecurites overwhelm you and your thoughts or you can choose to face the unwanted and see the positive within it. These choices are true in any aspect of life. You can choose to resent, be full of hate, revenge, worry, an so forth or you can choose to have HIM within and be embraced with the love, happiness, joy, peace of heart in all endured and so forth. Most folks just need to realize we are only here on this earth for a short and split second and when its over and our FATHER above is ready for us we will be in the best place and withthe most delightful emotions; we'll be in our eternal resting place!!

Bill Williams said...

so true true!!!