Sunday, March 29, 2009

so here is our dilemma,,,

so here is our dilemma? we speak lovingly in one breath and then lash out in the next. why do we do that?

look at what JESUS said in matthew 12:34 (niv), for out…of the heart the mouth speaks.

JESUS explained the freudian slip years before freud even existed. HE said, what's inside of you is what's coming out. what I say just displays what i am. it directs where i go. it can destroy what i have. but most of all, it simply displays what i am. it reveals my character.

listen if you've got a problem with your tongue, it's much more serious than you think. you have a heart problem. a person with a harsh tongue has an unsettled heart. a person with a boasting tongue has an insecure heart. a person with a filthy tongue has an impure heart and a person who is critical all of the time has a bitter heart.

but on the other hand, a person who is always encouraging has a happy heart. a person who speaks gently has a loving heart and a person who speaks truthfully has an honest heart.

so the solution to this dilemma is first of all get a new heart. you've got to get a new heart, that's the answer. ezekial 18:31 (ms), turn around!.. clean house…get a new heart! get a new spirit!

you see painting the outside of the pump doesn't make any difference if there is poison in the well. i can change the outside externals, i can turn over a new leaf, but what i really need is a new life. what i need is a fresh start, i need to let go of all the past and be born again and start over. i need a new heart.

so how do i get a new heart? 2 corinthians 5:17 (niv), therefore if anyone is in CHRIST, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.

new life, new heart, new spirit. when you come to JESUS CHRIST, HE wipes out everything you've done in the past. HE says, you're starting over. it's like being born again. you need a new heart.

we need to pray like david prayed in psalm 51.10 (nlt), create in me a clean heart, oh GOD because what's in my heart is going to come out in my mouth.

just some thoughts up here on the front porch…

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