Saturday, April 11, 2009

HE did it because HE loved...

in dealing with this matter of pride the ONE who had every reason to be proud wasn't. HE lived in the most awesome place that anyone has ever lived in. HE was the most powerful influential being. there wasn't anything HE couldn't do. HE was more creative than anyone but HE gave it all up and died the most horrible death that anyone ever could have died and HE did it because of HIS love for HIS FATHER and for us.

sunday is easter, the day we celebrate that JESUS was not conquered by death but that after 3 days HE came back to conquer death in HIMself, in us and to give us life. now HE didn't do that just to show HE could. that is not what HE did. HE is not a man of pride. HE Is GOD.

now in the next verses in chapter 4, james talks about our potential conflict with God because of pride. pride is one of those sins that JESUS came to earth to take care of through HIS death and resurrection. and pride not only causes conflict with other people but it causes conflict with God.

james 4.4-6 (ms) says, if all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of GOD and HIS way. and do you suppose GOD doesn't care? the proverb has it that "HE's a fiercely jealous lover." and what HE gives in love is far better than anything else you'll find. it's common knowledge that "GOD goes against the willful proud." because of what GOD did through CHRIST HE declared war on selfishness.

have you noticed that GOD has a unique way of engineering circumstances to pop our pride? just about the time you think, "i've got it all together!" HE puts you in your place. if you think you don't need HIM there's no way you're going to win.

so if pride is the cause of arguments – and that's the case james is making "i'm going to have to have my way when i want it, my time, my place" – what is the cure? easter is the cure.

let's stop here and celebrate what CHRIST did.

thanks for stopping up on my porch today. HE did it because HE loved me...

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