Tuesday, May 19, 2009

why is the question...

why is a question it seems we ask a lot. why is this happening to me? why don't things go my way? why do i have to suffer? and why am i to be patient? it is kind of a self focus question, like it is all about me but it is a question that has an answer.

james 5.8 (ms), be patient... stay steady and strong. the MASTER could arrive at any time.
and the reason i need to be patient is because GOD is at work, HE hasn't left me alone, and I can be confident that HE is going to arrive at any time.

look at what james says here in these five verses: wait patiently for the MASTER's arrival; the MASTER could arrive at any time; the JUDGE is standing just around the corner. and i just need to be patient because GOD has a plan and HE knows what HE is doing and HE has promised that HE will return.

all through the bible it talks about JESUS' second coming. HE is coming back to judge the world. GOD has it all planned out, everything is on schedule, nothing is late, it's all moving toward a climax.

listen, none of what is happening in the world, even in your world has surprised GOD. HE is in control. and HIS plan for your life is greater than any problem you're facing right now. and in fact HE is using it for HIS purpose and your good.

look at the phillips translation of verse 8, ...resting your hearts on the ultimate certainty...

i can be certain that if what I am going through is out of my control, it is not out of GOD's control. you and i can't control everything that happens in our lives, but GOD can so let's just trust HIM. because HE is on the job everything is working out, so just be patient.

just some thoughts on patience from james here on bill's front porch...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)