Tuesday, June 23, 2009

here it is again...

philippians 2.3 (ms), don't push your way to the front.

don't let anybody get in your way to get what you want, that is a major cause of conflcit.

here it is again. we looked at this problem when we were looking at the book of james. here he says, get rid of the pride issue. don't do things just to show off your ego, just to gain praise or glory from others, just to show how powerful you are.

verse 3a, new international version, do nothing out of vain conceit. philips, never act from motives of personal vanity, don't do anything from a cheap desire to boast – today’s english version.

somebody said that an egotist is an "i" specialist. his i's are too close together. all he can see is himself. the bible says that pride goes before destruction.

have you ever been in an argument and you knew you were wrong but you wouldn’t admit it. there are some parents like that with their kids. they know they are wrong but they will never admit it because they are the parent.

when i've got an ego and refuse to admit it when i'm wrong that just breeds quarrels. the fact is if you could eliminate ego you would solve most of the people problems in today's world. over and over in HIS word GOD shows this to be true.

just a thought from the front porch...

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