Tuesday, June 23, 2009

why is pride an issue with GOD?...

why do you think pride is such an issue to GOD? why? do you think it is because HE is so self centered and an egomaniac that HE can't share any attention so HE tells us over and over not to have any pride?

no, the reason HE doesn't want us to have pride is because HE knows all about us and HE knows we on our own will blow it. pride is a focus on ourselves and we can not make it this world alone. we need GOD, we need family, we need support, we need prayer, we need encouragement. we need and pride blows our potential all to pieces. and one of the greatest gifts that GOD has give us is potential but we can't unwrap it and make it happen on our own, we heed help.

just a thought from the front porch...

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