Friday, June 26, 2009

i'm so sorry, honey...

philippians 2.4 (ms) don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. don't just be interested in your own affairs. be considerate.

but all i’m interested in is my affairs. i don’t care what kind of problem my sister is having at school, i have my own problems. i really don’t care what kind of day my wife had, i had a rough one and that is all i am interested in. i’m the important one. my son didn’t make the team, but i had to work and now i have to fix dinner. i don’t have time to sit and listen to him. i’m just going to yell at him and tell him to get over it

let me ask you, could you name the five greatest interests of your wife? your husband? could you right off the top of your head list five things that each of your kids are really interested in? because you know them and have paid attention and you know what's interesting to them. be considerate.

1 peter 3:7 (niv) husbands in the same way, be considerate as you live with your wives so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

men, did you know that the way you treat your spouse affects your prayer life? it is related. be considerate of each other so that nothing will hinder your prayers. nothing i'm saying is new; we just don't do it.

men, the next time you come home and your wife says, why didn’t you call and tell me you were going to be late for dinner, and then you say, i’m so sorry honey? that was so inconsiderate of me. i was only thinking about me. and after she wakes up from fainting, you can say, i’ll do better next time. you watch what happens in your life.

just a thought from the front porch...

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

I am proud to say that Abraham has no problem admitting when he has only been thinking of himself and not me...he also has no problem apologizing for it and he has absolutely no problem doing it AGAIN!! LOL

Great me I will be sure he reads it later!