Friday, June 19, 2009

phil and amy...

i have just been enjoying watching on tv the u. s. open golf tournament here on long island. brett, my son and i are going to it tomorrow. we are both really excited even with the potential for rain.

i am a phil mickelson fan and i have been very interested in what has been happening in his and his wife amy's life. thy just have found out that amy has breast cancer and the open will be phil's last tournament for awhile with amy having surgery and treatments starting in july.

two years ago right now margaret and i were going through the same thing. two years ago last week, margaret had her thyroid taken out and it was malignant. i really don't know how anyone could go through that without a relationship with GOD. we had so much prayer from friends family and the HOLY SPIRIT gave us the strength we needed to face that very, very difficult time.

phil and amy have been on my heart and mind and in my prayers. i know how tough what they are going through is even when you have a personal relationship with CHRIST. i don't how i could have faced it if i didn't have prayer and GOD's hope and strength to pull us through.

and philippians 4:13 (tev) is so true, i have the strength to face all conditions by the power that CHRIST gives me.

just a thought from my front porch...

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