Friday, June 19, 2009

i can handle it...

there was this cartoon. it has a frazzled mother standing at the door, her hair is all coming down, there is a baby squalling in her arms, three kids at her feet, a dog barking. she just looks worn out.

and there is a poll taker at the door and he says, what do you mean, you’re undecided? all i asked was, do you live here?

do you ever feel like that? life can drain you completely. one crisis after another can drain you. you lose your energy and your power. some of you are ready to throw in the towel. you say, "i've done the best i could, but it's not good enough and i'm sick and tired." you need a fresh power supply.

philippians 1.18-20 (niv), i will continue to rejoice, for i know that through your prayers and the help given by the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. i eagerly expect and hope that i will in no way be ashamed.

paul says here that he has two things that give him strength and have kept him going in spite of four years of imprisonment. one, is the prayers of other people and two, the help of GOD's SPIRIT. he doesn't depend on his own energy.

look at the word "hope". we can't live without hope. cornell university did a study of 25,000 pows from wwii. they found that man can handle tremendous stress and pressure as long as he has hope. the moment hope is gone you're domed.

where do you get your hope to keep on keeping on? where do you get it to stay true in your marriage? where do you get it to hang in there with your kids? is that source reliable enough?

what’s GOD's answer to a personal energy crisis? philippians 4:13 (tev) i have the strength to face all conditions by the power that CHRIST gives me.

he is saying that with GOD's power nothing can devastate me.

just a thought from my front porch...

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