Wednesday, June 17, 2009

you too have a story...

philippians 1.14 (ms), not only that, but most of the followers of JESUS here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about GOD, about the MESSIAH.

he said, my attitude towards problems has encouraged other people. courage is contagious. it spreads like wildfire. other believers became bold because of paul being bold.

it is so important to share your story with others how GOD is at work in your life. some would say but i'm such a private person. i don't want everyone to know all about me and i can understand that if we were just living for our self. but we aren't and GOD takes us through situations so we can encourage other people.

now this again shows how GOD's way is best. let's say paul had gone to rome and had a crusade but nobody would have been there to write what was done down on paper. but paul was in prison and he couldn't do anything else but write and what he wrote and has made such a difference through all these over 2000 years.

what story of GOD working in your life do you have to share? have you shared it? why not?

somebody today will need what you have to share. all you need to share is your story and it just might help make a fellow believer far more the faith than ever. GOD has given each of HIS followers stories to share that will encourage others in their daily walk through life. let GOD use you today.

just a thought from bill's front porch...

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