Tuesday, June 16, 2009

this wasn't what i had in mind...

GOD's plan has been different also for me. my dream was to make a major difference as a pastor in las vegas. i just knew that i was going to die there. but 2+ years ago GOD started really working on me. for the longest time i didn't realize it was GOD until a monday the fall of 2008. margaret took the day off and we went driving and talking and between the two of us we knew our time was done in vegas.

now if i wouldn't have left vegas and left the church planting ministry i wouldn't be doing what i am doing right now. oh i used to blog every once in awhile but not every day, sometimes twice a day but here we are. i'm still not sure what GOD has in HIS plan book for these next years of my life but i know that HE is not done and i know HIS plan is the best.

and the same is true for you.

just a thought from bill's front porch...

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