Friday, July 10, 2009

all not for...

now being grateful is another way to deal with the problem of complaining

look at what paul says in i thessalonians 5.18 (niv), give thanks in all circumstances, for this is GOD's will for you in CHRIST JESUS. the word all here is extremely important, especially in the day in which we live.

GOD says "i want you to be thankful in all circumstances." it does not say "for all circumstances". you cannot always be thankful for the circumstances, but you can be thankful in the situation. i know that GOD is working all things for good. HE has a pattern and HE fits even the bad things in our lives into that pattern for good. GOD's purpose for my life is greater than my problems, so in everything i can give thanks. not for but in.

so i learn to be grateful for what i have. it's a tremendous antidote for complaining.

just a thought from the front porch...

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