Thursday, July 9, 2009

i'm going to take responsibility...

now in life there are three kinds of people, there are accusers, excusers, and choosers.

the accusers are always going around saying "it's your fault." when adam sinned he took it like a man and blamed his wife, "eve did it," and then he blamed GOD, "YOU gave me that woman."

the excusers say, "i'm a product of my environment. it's not really my fault."

but the people that are really successful in life are neither accusers nor excusers. they are choosers. they accept responsibility for their own decisions. when they reap what they sow they take it and move ahead.

one of the major difficulties that we have in our society is that there are a lot of children running around looking like they are adults. just because you look like an adult doesn’t mean you are one. an adult is a person who admits it when he has a problem. who isn’t always making excuses and always accusing.

which one are you?

why don't you if you need to just stop right now and say something like this, "GOD see how i have never taken responsibility for my own actions. that i usually blame other people, i even have blamed YOU for the problems that i have created. GOD i am so tired at being a child. help me to be an adult and accept responsibility for the messes i have made in my life and to realize that i have reaped what i have sown.

thank you GOD for listening to the honesty of my heart and for how YOU have cleaned up the sin in my life and headed me on a new path of enjoying my life and not complaining about it. i give YOU control and i trust YOU and i love YOU. in JESUS name i pray. amen"

just a thought from the front porch...

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