Wednesday, July 8, 2009

we are free to but not free from...

now in this matter of taking responsibility for what you do and not playing the blame game it is very important to understand this. GOD has given you the freedom of choice. but once you have made the choice, you're never free from the consequences of that choice.

parents, this is so important for you to teach your kids. if you are always bailing them out of every wrong that they do then they will never learn this and they will be in trouble in life.

many people will say, i can’t believe that GOD has given me cancer, when they have smoked all their life. of course GOD gives you the freedom to do whatever you want with your body but he will not keep you from the consequences of those choices.

this is such an important principle for you to understand.

i hear so many people complaining about being in debt. but is it possible you were irresponsible about spending and saving? that you made a purchase you really shouldn't have made?

i hear people saying, "i'm just not appreciated at home." could it be that maybe you don't appreciate the others at home. we reap what we sow.

whatever you want in life, you've got to give it out. that is an inviolable rule of GOD. if you want friends you've got to be friendly. if you want appreciation at home you've got to give appreciation. we reap what we sow.

accept responsibility for my own life and the choices that i make. the changes that are going to take place are because i choose to change.

just a thought from the front porch...

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