Sunday, July 26, 2009

are you consistent?...

paul here in the last few verses of philippians 2 is looking at 2 men and what GOD values in them. one of them is timothy. verse 22 (niv), timothy has proved himself... he has served with me in the work of the gospel. "prove" means tested character – integrity. timothy's name means "he honors GOD." he did not cave in to pressure.

GOD is looking for people today like timothy who are not afraid to be different from the culture around and to stand alone. HE is looking for people who are consistent.

it has been said, "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." so what are you willing to stand for in life?

listen, GOD need people of conviction, who cannot be bought at any price, who are not wishy-washy but who are committed to their values, and are consistent in their beliefs and convictions.

there are so many people even in our churches who are half committed to everything and that is no commitment at all.

proverbs 10.9 (nlt), people with integrity have firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.

integrity. a nice personality will make a good first impression but success over the long haul is built on character, not on image but on character. people of integrity will not be afraid of what is going to be found out.

is your private life consistent with your public image?

let me ask you men, would you be willing to have your son or daughter look over your shoulder at what you look at on the internet when you are alone with the door shut? it is no wonder some of you are angry all the time with the junk you look at on the internet. it affects you.

proverbs 20.7 (ms), GOD-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children. inconsistent parents produce insecure children. the kids don't know where their parent's are coming from. an uncommitted or inconsistent husband or wife produces unstable marriages.

GOD is looking for people of consistency, of integrity

just a thought from the front porch...

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