Monday, July 27, 2009

i can't do what GOD wants, alone...

paul brings up another man and the qualities in him that GOD values. philippians 2.25 (niv), ...i think it is necessary to send back to you epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier.

now paul as you know was a super star. he could have taken on the whole world it seems single-handedly but he recognized that even he would get more accomplished if he worked together with other people. he needed to cooperate and that is what GOD wants from us.

he describes this cooperation with three terms, three relationships. he says, he’s my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier.

three things about the CHRISTian life:

1. it is a family, we're related. 133 times in the new testament paul uses the word "brother" to describe the relationship between CHRISTians.

2. it is a fellowship. we have the same task, assignment. we have the great commission. we are to serve together and work together not independently.

3. it is a fight. when you became a CHRISTian you became an enemy of the devil. we are to defend each other and protect each other and support each other. life is a battle.

let me ask you, can other CHRISTians use these terms about you? my brother, a fellow worker, my fellow soldier.

there was an article that said, only 10% of men in america have real friends. only 10%.

listen, CHRISTian men don't know how to relate to each other. they are afraid to let anybody get close to them. they keep each other at a far pace. and that is true of many CHRISTian women too.

men, women, there is a tremendous power in unity. judges 20.11 (ms), so all the israelites were completely united, and they gathered together to attack the town.

what would happen if your church and my church were really united? what could we do for and with GOD? what if all the nazarene churches on long island were really untied? in new york, in the united states? what if and that is GOD plan.

paul and epaphroditus were more interested in cooperation than competition. what if that was true of you and me. what would GOD do through us?

just a thought from the front porch...

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