Monday, July 27, 2009

who is our enemy, anyway?...

i was a youth pastor for many years. i loved it. i gave it up when i got too old for the all-nighters. haha!.

i had one group that had three brothers in it who were very competitive with each other. we had a basketball team and all three were on it. after every game they would check out which one got the most points. it mattered that much. that mattered more than who won. i'm sure that isn't a problem anymore. they have matured. i hope.

but one game, they were all three in the game and the oldest brother stole the ball and was running down the court to make an uncontested layup when just at the last moment a player came up behind him and stuffed the ball and he missed the basket. the situation was the player was his own brother who was on his own team.

sounds a lot like churches who are so afraid of competition from other churches. they are afraid when one church moves too close that they will take people away from them. i'm sorry, our calling is not to build our kingdom but GOD's kingdom. what would happen if we weren't so competitive and we were cooperative. we might be closer to getting the job accomplished that HE died for us to do.

our enemy is not us but satan and he is really excited when we get this mixed up.

just a thought from the front porch.

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