Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GOD does not want cookie-cutter CHRISTians...

now we all have things in us that we want to change and we know that in this matter of the CHRISTian life there needs to be change. but there is some confusion with some who think that the prayer that we pray to ask JESUS into our life is the beginning and the end.

that is a great happening. JESUS comes in and forgives us of our sins and the relationship happens but with every relationship there is also a growth process, there is change that happens.

now paul deals here in his letter to the philippians with this very issue. look at what he says.
philippians 2.12&13 (ms), what i'm getting at, friends, is that you should simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning...keep it up. better yet, redouble your efforts. be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before GOD. that energy is GOD's energy, an energy deep within you, GOD HIMself willing and working.

now it seemes like he is saying there is a part that we do. he says, keep on doing what you've done from the beginning...keep it up. better yet, redouble your efforts. be energetic in your life of salvation. there is a part that we play in our life of salvation.

do you see that GOD does not want cookie-cutter CHRISTians. HE doesn't want a bunch of spiritual clones walking around, everybody copying each other. no, what does the gospel mean in your life? you are unique and individual. HE doesn't want you to be billy graham; HE wants you to be you.

then he says, be reverent and sensitive before GOD. he is saying, take your salvation seriously; it has eternal implications. it's a life or death issue here. nothing is more important than your own spiritual growth. take it seriously.

just some thoughts from the front porch...

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