Monday, July 20, 2009

to change means you change your thinking...

now growth is not automatic. it doesn't just come passively, spiritually. change is a matter of choice and i can choose what i think about.

proverbs 4.23 (tev), be careful how you think. your life is shaped by your thoughts.

you aren't what you think you are. but what you think, you are. your thoughts don't just direct your life, they are your life. and if we could see on a giant screen what you think about we would really know who you are. whatever change you want to make in your life starts with your thoughts.

ephesians 4.23-24 (jer), your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution so that you can put on the `new self' that has been created in GOD's way.

change always begins with new thinking. the bible word for change is the word "repentance". in greek it means "to change your mind". when i repented i changed the way i thought about GOD, the way i thought about myself, the world, others. i changed my outlook. when i became a
CHRISTian it changed my whole perspective on life and i began to see things differently. i began to challenge some of those old ways of thinking, old values.

just a thought from the front porch...

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